Where is Scottsdale, Arizona in Relation to Phoenix?

Discover how far away Phoenix is from Scottsdale, Arizona. Learn about the attractions and entertainment hubs located in this city.

Where is Scottsdale, Arizona in Relation to Phoenix?

The driving distance from Phoenix, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ is 19 miles or 31 kilometers. Your journey begins in Phoenix, Arizona, where the success of Casino Arizona led to the construction of a second location, Casino Arizona in Indian Bend, just 8 miles (13 km) north. Scottsdale is home to a variety of shopping and entertainment hubs, such as Kierland Commons and Scottsdale Quarter in North Scottsdale, and Scottsdale Fashion Square in downtown Scottsdale. This mall is one of the 30 largest in the country and offers exclusive shopping and luxury.

The largest district is the Scottsdale Main Street Arts District, followed by the more contemporary Marshall Way Arts District and the touristy Old Town district with the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art. In 1999, a second campus was opened at Scottsdale Airpark to serve the business community and those living north of Scottsdale. During World War II, a German prisoner of war camp was located at the intersection of Scottsdale and Thomas Roads in what is now Papago Park. The downtown trolley runs through downtown Scottsdale, while the neighborhood trolley connects South Scottsdale to Tempe's own free public circulator, Tempe Orbit on Roosevelt and Scottsdale Road.

The Old Town Scottsdale lifestyle is presented at Scottsdale Fashion Square with approximately 2 million square feet of luxury retail space. The city also hosts the annual month-long event, the Scottsdale Jaycees Parada del Sol.

Evan Winzenried
Evan Winzenried

Devoted zombie fan. Incurable tv fan. Avid travel aficionado. Subtly charming pop culture expert. Certified beer practitioner. Subtly charming social media buff.